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How the Alternative for Germany Has Transformed the Country

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

They wait for the people to show up -- and they always do -- and then they talk. They bring up their annoyance with expensive street lights in the town of Neuzelle, or the planned move of the recycling center in the Berlin suburb Erkner, or the "federal government's dishonesty" when it spoke of a mob attack in Chemnitz. After all, they say, there were reports that no mob attacks actually took place at all. Being ever-present, talking -- and not to mention listening -- was also part of the AfD strategy during federal elections last September. And it worked. The party scored 22.1 percent of the vote here in the eastern German state of Brandenburg, putting it only slightly behind Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU). It's possible that Alexander Gauland, the candidate for the Oder-Spree electoral district, was responsible for some of that success. But what has been decisive is the proximity to ordinary voters that the AfD has cultivated. And it's not only here that the far-right populists are firmly rooted, but in many other places around the country as well. Political upheavals rarely happen overnight. They begin slowly, and then one morning you wake up and find yourself in another country. The small group that gathered on the evening of Feb. 6, 2013, in a Protestant community center in the town of Oberursel near Frankfurt, had no idea that by founding a new political party called the Alternative for Germany they would trigger something bigger. Who would have thought that a retired senior government official, a conservative newspaper columnist and a numbers-loving economics professor would changed the face of German politics? Unprecedented Success And who would have thought that the AfD of Alexander Gauland, Konrad Adam and Bernd Lucke would become a big-tent party of its own -- at least in parts of eastern Germany -- within just a few years? Or that it would win almost a hundred seats in the federal parliament with its pledge to "hunt down" Chancellor Angela Merkel? Or that its party leaders would one day march through the streets of Chemnitz alongside far-right extremists, like they did on Sept. 1, 2018? The AfD stands for an unprecedented...http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/how-the-alternative-for-germany-has-transformed-the-country-a-1227360.html

Focus: Destination Germany - The Statesman

Friday, April 13, 2018

Europe. Popular spots include Germany’s oldest ski area at Todtnau, the magnificent spa facilities of Baden-Baden, and the attractive resort of Bad Liebenzell. Other highlights include the spectacular Black Forest Railway centred on Triberg with its famous falls, and Triberg itself, home to the Black Forest Open Air Museum.Other exciting tourist attractions are The Berlin Wall, The Ultimate Fairytale Castle (Neuschwanstein), Miniatur Wunderland and the Historic Port of Hamburg, The Rhine Valley, Museum Island in Berlin, Bamberg and the Bürgerstadt, Sea bridge of Sellin, Rügen Island, Königssee (King’s Lake), Sanssouci Park and Palace (Postdam) and Insel Mainau (the Flower Island of Lake Constance).Compiled by Kunal Jain ([email protected])...

Die neuen Herren der HSH Nordbank

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Prozent beteiligt ist. Das ändere aber nichts daran, dass Deutschland als Bankenmarkt "sehr wettbewerbsintensiv" sei.Das sieht auch ein Banker so, der sich gerade mit den Verhältnissen im Norden exzellent auskennt: Haspa-Chef Harald Vogelsang. "Der Vorstand der HSH Nordbank hat erklärt, man wolle sich auf das Geschäft konzentrieren, das für kleinere Sparkassen zu groß und für Großbanken zu klein ist", so Vogelsang. "Aber genau dieses Kundensegment der klassischen Mittelständler haben auch schon viele andere Banken als attraktiv für sich entdeckt. Die HSH Nordbank wird es dort nicht leicht haben." Nach Einschätzung des Haspa-Chefs ist der Verkauf der HSH schon deshalb eine einschneidende Veränderung für Norddeutschland, "weil die neuen Eigentümer der Bank keinen Bezug zu dieser Region haben und es somit keinen Gleichklang der Interessen mehr gibt."© Hamburger Abendblatt 2018 – Alle Rechte vorbehalten..small-print__copy {display: block; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 0.7em; margin: 1em 0 1em;} .r-teaser-content {/*background: #E4E4E3;*/ padding:5px 0; display: inline-block; width: 100%;} .r-teaser {margin: 3em 0 4em;} .r-teaser img {display: inline-block; float: left; margin-right: 10px;} .r-teaser strong {display: inline-block; color: #006e27; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 24px; margin: 20px 0 0 -4px;} .r-teaser p {color:#333; font-size:14px!important; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif} .r-teaser a {float:none; color: #333; text-decoration:none;} .r-teaser p a {color: #333;} .r-teaser p .more {color: #006e27; margin-left:5px ; text-decoration:underline;} .article .r-teaser-content p a {border-bo...http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=A58F2075D3424E6C9CF5B35CB069D9AF&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.abendblatt.de%2fwirtschaft%2farticle213668929%2fDie-neuen-Herren-der-HSH-Nordbank.html&c=16890497270914129022&mkt=de-de

Flower-Power aus Bio-Gärtnerei - svz.de

Friday, October 13, 2017

Entsafter zu, wie sie erklärt. Das Geheimnis sei das viele Chlorophyll, das Blattgrün. Es mache Grassaft zu einem Superfood, das nach wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen beim Aufbau neuer Blutzellen hilft, die Entgiftung und Wundheilung unterstützt. „Das beste Mittel zum Fitwerden.“ Es solle sogar für einen angenehmen Körpergeruch sorgen.Als „Kräuterfee“ arbeitet Kristin Brandt, die in Stells-hagen bei Boltenhagen geboren wurde, seit mehr als 20 Jahren. 1998 übernahm sie das jahrzehntelang ungenutzte, völlig zugewucherte rund drei Hektar große Pfarrgrundstück in Börzow. „Eine gewisse Struktur war ja noch da“, erinnert sie sich. Hier sammelt sie das ganze Jahr über Wildpflanzen. Auf rund 2000 Quadratmetern baut sie Unkräuter, Gräser und wilde Blumen an. Gewirtschaftet wird streng ökologisch. Kleine Hühner vertilgen Schnecken und Käfer.„Mittlerweile säen sich die Wildkräuter von alleine aus, gepflegt wird nur ganz vorsichtig, es ist und bleibt eben ein gewollt unordentlicher Garten“, erklärt Brandt. Das Konzept überzeuge inzwischen junge Leute aus aller Welt. Regelmäßig kämen Interessierte zum Mitarbeiten in die versteckt liegende Gartenidylle.Und die Unkräuter aus Börzow nehmen ihrerseits den Weg in alle Himmelsrichtungen: Per Paketversand schickt Brandt ihre gesunde Wild-Kost bundesweit an Restaurants, Gourmet- und Hobbyköche. KräuterforschnungDas Forum „Symposium on medicinal plants 2017“ der Hochschule Wismar führte Mitte September Kräuter-Experten auf der Insel Poel zusammen. Die Tagung beschäftigte sich mit der Kultivierung und Verarbeitung von Heilpflanzen wie Moringa, Brahmi, Weihrauch, , Brennnessel oder Karde. Rund 50 Wissenschaftler, Unternehmer und Bauern aus Armenien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Indien, Indonesien, Litauen, Peru und der Schweiz nahmen teil. zur StartseiteGefällt Ihnen dieser Beitrag? Dann teilen Sie ihn bitte in den sozialen Medien - und folgen uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook:...

Is Staten Island’s beer scene getting stale? - SILive.com

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Advance/Pamela SiHOT STYLES IN THE CITYMost popular on Staten Island at the moment, based on a casual poll of a several restaurants, are IPAs and sour beers.Said Ken Tirado, owner of Killmeyer’s Old Bavaria Inn, Charleston, “Ironically, like many people my age, my taste buds had a hard time adjusting to the bitter and sour tastes of IPAs and sour Goses.”He added, “New breweries pop up all the time and I have surrendered half my draught lines to local breweries.”Juicy Lucy BBQ in Ocean Breeze finds sales of spiked seltzers dominate over mainstream and craft brews. (Staten Island Advance/Pamela SiAnd the two local brewers -- the borough lost its Mariners Harbor-based Staten Island Brewing Co. last year -- are guiding the fields of style and flavor as well.Flagship’s head brewer Mark Szmaida said he plans for the Tompkinsville taproom to feature an exclusive sour beer. He’ll also be testing the waters on a hard seltzer. In the works for February is the brew crew’s Irish Coffee Pastry Stout, a strong stout at 8% aged on whiskey-oak chips. Szmaida selected Staten Island’s own Unique Coffee Roasters as the “Joe” of choice to pair with cocoa nibs and vanilla in the mash. Recently, Flagship collaborated with Holtermann’s for a crumb cake-inspired creation. p class="article__paragraph article__paragraph--left" id="U6...https://www.silive.com/entertainment/2020/01/is-staten-islands-beer-scene-getting-stale.html

Southern Germany offers a scenic look at mountainous highs and historic lows - CT Insider

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Here’s the great thing about Bavaria and southern Germany for visitors, aside from abundant history and scenery: Germans generally are direct, organized and go by the rules. That’s not just their rep; it’s what we observed. On the famous Autobahn, they use the left lane to legally go as fast as they want but they slow down when the overhead signs drop the speed limit to 100 kilometers an hour, or even 70. They don’t weave and cut you off like the average highway here. When they stack firewood in a shed, it’s done precisely, a work of art. If they’re growing apples, the limbs are staked neatly and verically on thin threes with netting above. With similar dedication to organization and standards, the beer they serve is inexpensive and consistently good (don’t ask for an IPA). Related Stories ...https://www.ctinsider.com/entertainment/ctpost/article/Southern-Germany-offers-a-scenic-look-at-14981609.php

The Most Beautiful Cities in Germany - World Atlas

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Germany varies from one author to the other. Here are some of the cities that pop up whenever the best places in Germany are mentioned. 10. Nuremberg Nuremberg is the second largest Bavarian city after Munich, with a population of approximately 512,000 residents. The city is known for many things but the most common is the Nuremberg Trial which remains pivotal in the history of Germany. Nuremberg’s origin dates back a millennium and over the years it developed into one of the most important cities in Europe. The city has plenty of places to visit, including old churches, imperial castles, and the Nazi trial grounds. Nuremberg is a pedestrian-friendly city, with the pedestrian-only zone covering a large part of the city. 9. Hamburg Hamburg is the second-largest city in Germany after Berlin and the 8th largest in the EU. The city is home to over 1.8 million residents. It is located on the banks of River Eibe and its tributaries and its name reflect the city’s medieval history. Hamburg is known for the impressive red-brick Speicherstadt which is a World Heritage Site. Apart from the buildings, the city has plenty of nightlife, with most party-seekers frequenting the Reeperbahn, popularly known as “German’s most sinful mile.” Hamburg is also Europe’s research, science, and educational hub. 8. Cologne The city of Cologne is set on the banks of the Rhine River. It is German’s fourth-largest city with a population of about 1.1 million residents. The city has a rich history spanning over 2,000 years and features diverse architectural style including ancient Roman walls and medieval churches, as well as post-war constructions. The city’s major attraction is the Cologne Cathedral which is the largest cathedral in Germany. Another thing that makes Cologne a beau...https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/most-beautiful-cities-in-germany.html

The perfect destination foHere is why Germany is the perfect destination for your next holidayr your holiday! Discover nature in Germany - Emirates Woman

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Alps are characterised by green trees and extensive forests.Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: at the corner of the three German states, Bavaria, Hesse and ThuringiaThe Rhôn hills are located in the heart of Germany and offer a wide range of beautiful views! And if you are a fan of athletic activities, you can try gliding, water sports, and indulge in a spot of star gazing.Jasmund National Park Mecklenburg-Western Pomeraniait takes you right along the cliffs and features enough natural treasures for several holidays. White chalk cliffs, lush beech forests and the shimmering blue of the sea. You’ll catch sight of a rare white-tailed eagle circling in the skies, while far below a thousand different species of beetle scuttle through the undergrowth in this landscape of contrasts.Black Forest National Park, Baden-Württemberg, South GermanyPerfect for cleansing your lungs. The remarkable feature of this national park is that some areas have been able to develop for more than 100 years without human intervention. This means that all the animals and plants that are found here live in authentic, natural surroundings.You can use Deutsche Bahn trains all over Germany, where it uses 100% green energy. In addition, you can take the InterCity Express for a unique experience, as it is a high-speed train that connects all major cities in Germany with speeds of up to 300 km / hour, and this is one of the fastest ways to reach between Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne!Check out their Instagram: GermanyTourismAr, and Facebook: Germany Tourism Arabia– For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene straight to your newsfeed, follow us on Facebook Media: Supplied...https://emirateswoman.com/germany/