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Girls power: Wasserski, Soft-Rafting, malen und sich selbst behaupten - FOCUS Online

Friday, April 13, 2018

Germersheim initiiert und organisiert wird, sind Einrichtungen und Träger der Jugendpflege, Jugendzentren, Schulsozialarbeit, Internationaler Bund, Jugendwerk St. Josef, Stadtteilladen GER, Sepia Speyer, Christliches Jugenddorfwerk, Lebenshilfe, Haus Meilenstein, Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen Pfalz, neun Grundschulen, vier Realschulen plus, eine Förderschule, zwei Integrierte Gesamtschulen und zwei „Willkomm“ Familienbüros vertreten. „Der Austausch und die Vernetzung der kooperierenden Jugendhilfeträger des Landkreises Germersheim ist neben den vielen Präventionsangeboten für Mädchen ein zusätzlicher gewünschter und gewinnbringender Nebeneffekt“, betont Christoph Buttweiler.Den Veranstaltungsflyer mit allen Aktionen zur Mädchenwoche gibt es bei den beteiligten Institutionen und Einrichtungen sowie beim Kreisjugendamt, Jeanette Zikko-Giessen, Tel.: 07274/53-372, E-Mail: oder unterür folgende offene Angebote können sich interessierte Mädchen direkt bei den Veranstaltern anmelden:Montag, 23.04.Escape Rooms „Pirat“: Entkommst du in 55 Minuten?Willkommen im Piratenschiff, das voller Rätsel, verschwundener Objekte und alter Geschichten ist. Du bist dort mit anderen Teilnehmerinnen eingeschlossen. Das Ziel des Spiels ist es aus dem Schiff zu entkommen….und zwar in maximal 55 Minuten! Schlüpfe dabei in verschiedene Rollen. Für Mädchen zwischen 14 und 19 Jahren. Treffpunkt: Rathaus Rülzheim um 16:30 Uhr. Anmeldung erwünscht. Kosten 5 €Jugendpflege der Verbandsgemeinde RülzheimMarkus Schwall, ? 01725347478, m.schwall@ruelzheim.deWir malen ein Bild….auf ein großes Tuch! In JockgrimGemeinsam mit Euch wird Nesibe Dogan ein großes Gemälde herstellen. Für Mädchen ab 10 Jahren von 16:00-18:00 Uhr im Jugendzentrum Jockgrim. Anmeldung bei:Jugendpflege der Verbandsgemeinde JockgrimPeter Jung, ? 0151 24172418; p.jung@vg-jockgrim.deFlower Power in GermersheimMit einer Floristin wollen wir mit Euch tollen Kopfschmuck und Deko für Euer Zimmer kreieren. Für Mädchen ab 9 Jahren von 15:00-18:00 Uhr im Jugendzentrum Germersheim. Kosten: 2 €. Anmeldung erwünscht:Internationaler Bund, Jugendzentrum GermersheimSilke Umann; juz-germersheim@internationaler-bund.deStadtteilladen Kleine Au; stadtteilladen@gmx.deRenate Seibert-Memmer; ? 07274 704 998Dienstag, 24.04.Bunter „Mädels-Nachmittag“ im Jugendtreff HördtEin Nachmittag nur für Mädchen zwischen 7 und 12 Jahren. Es werden Cocktails und Muffins selbst hergestellt und dann entspannt eigene Ha...

Von pompös bis pflegeleicht: Pflanzen mit Potenzial - General-Anzeiger

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Beetklassiker - und ein Geheimtipp: Lupinen. „Die Wirkung blühender Lupinen ist einfach gigantisch“, findet auch Andreas Kirschenlohr von der Staudengärtnerei Kirschenlohr in Speyer. 07.03.2017Ihr Blätterkleid ist makellos und definitiv maßgeschneidert. Tautropfen schmücken kostbaren Perlen gleich das elegant gefingerte Laub, sammeln sich im Zentrum der sternförmigen Blattschalen und glitzern im warmen Licht der Junisonne – ein Bling-Bling-Effekt, den diese Pflanzen eigentlich gar nicht nötig hätten. Lupinen haben nämlich Blüten, und was für welche! „Die Wirkung blühender Lupinen ist einfach gigantisch“, findet auch Andreas Kirschenlohr von der Staudengärtnerei Kirschenlohr in Speyer. „Insbesondere die Zuchtformen besitzen unglaublich imposante Blütenstände und eine ungeheure Leuchtkraft. Nicht umsonst findet man Lupinen auf jeder Chelsea Flower Show in großer Zahl.“Dicht an dicht sitzen die kompakte Kerzen bildenden Einzelblüten moderner Sorten. Ihr Farbenreichtum sucht seinesgleichen: Von Weiß über Rosa und Violett bis hin zu Gelb, Rot und sogar Orange reicht das Spektrum, und die mehrjährigen Pflanzen zieren sich nicht, daraus spektakuläre mehrfarbige Varianten zu kreieren. Kein Wunder, d...

She Believes Trees Will Save Germany — If She Can Save the Trees - OZY

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Klöckner’s thesis, therefore, is simple: Save the forests, and they’ll save Germany. Klöckner as German Wine Queen. Blonde and quick to grin, Klöckner, 46, was born in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and got into politics early, shortly after her yearlong reign as German Wine Queen, a position that’s sort of like Miss America but for German wine. Before the age of 30, she was a member of the Bundestag for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Angela Merkel’s ruling party. In 2012, she was elected as one of the deputy chairpersons of the national party. By 2016, she was running for Minister-President (governor) of Rhineland-Palatinate. Articles touted her as a potential successor to Merkel. And then she lost. she has the difficult job of juggling these different interests and keeping everybody happy.Joachim Curtius, professor of geosciences at Goethe University Klöckner’s more conservative than Merkel in some ways, a trait that hasn’t always served her well electorally. Her opposition to Merkel’s open-door asylum policy is widely blamed as a factor in her losing her 2016 race, and as recently as this year, she called for a burqa ban in Germany. Still, while the ultraconservative AfD party has wholeheartedly embraced climate change denial, Klöckner — as minister of food and agriculture — doesn’t have the luxury of ignoring scientific evidence. “The climate change has hit us much faster than expected,” she said at a forest summit last month, and while the scientific community might argue that it was definitely expected, she’s now gearing up for battle against the conditions that are destroying the forests. “Climate change isn’t German; it isn’t going to be solved in Germany. None of the existing policies around the world are up to the scale of the challenge,” says Britta Fri...

Germany's second-highest traffic bridge opens - DW (English)

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Hochmoselbrücke, or High Mosel Bridge, stretches 1.7 kilometers (1 mile) across and 160 meters (524 feet) above the Mosel River in western Germany. Within Germany, the new bridge in the Rhineland-Palatinate is second only to the 185-meter-high Kochertal bridge in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg. Read more: World's longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens in Germany's Harz region Authorities expect about 25,000 vehicles a day to cross the bridge that now provides a direct link between the regions of Eifel and Hunsrück. Several hundred people gathered for the bridge's opening on Thursday. Over the weekend, thousands of pedestrians crossed the bridge by foot as part of the opening festivities. "Today is a good day for the Rhineland-Palatinate," said State Premier Malu Dreyer. She added that she was convinced "that the bridge will help advance our economically strong state even further and will strengthen ties between the people in Eifel and Hunsrück." Europe's largest construction project The controversial building project kicked off eight years ago. Some critics argued that the massive bridge would destroy the area's idyllic vineyard landscape, while environmentalists argued it would pollute the ground water. Others spoke out against the cost. The building of the bridge was part of a greater road project that included the construction of an additional 25 kilometers (16 mile...

Dead gardener left booby traps behind to target his enemies, German police warn - Fox News

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Authorities in Germany are warning anyone who may have had a conflict with a recently deceased gardener to be on the lookout, after an apparent set of booby-trapped bombs left one dead and two hurt.Rhineland-Palatinate Police said in a news release that gardener Bernhard Graumann, 59, was found dead in his bed in Mehlinhen, near Kaiserslautern in west Germany, on Friday night.Earlier that day, a 64-year-old doctor in a nearby town was found dead in front of his practice after an explosion. Police believe the bomb may have been in a package that was left in front of the office as part of a "booby trap" which the doctor picked up, triggering the blast.MAN ADMITS KILLING AIRBNB GUEST AT AUSTRALIA HOME OVER UNPAID $149 BILLTwo days later, an "explosive-engineered log" exploded in a wood-burning stove at a home about five miles from where Graumann lived, according to police. A woman and her 4-year-old daughter were injured in that blast. Police in Germany are warning anyone who may have had a conflict with a recently deceased doctor to be on the lookout for booby traps. (iStock)Police said all three had been known to Graumann, who either had a "personal or business" connec...

German teachers fined for treating wasp sting with heated fork - DW (English)

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hesse were fined for causing bodily harm with their questionable home remedy for a student's wasp sting. The incident occurred during a school trip to a youth hostel in the neighboring state of Rhineland-Palatinate in May 2017, when a 14-year-old student was stung by a wasp. In response, a 39-year-old male teacher heated the handle of a fork with a lighter and pressed it on the boy's hand where he'd been stung. After a blister formed, another 40-year-old female teacher cut it open and treated the wound with cream. The student's lawyer said that as a result of the sting, the boy had to wear a protective glove for a considerable period of time. The German daily Bild reported that the boy's hand became infected and that he wasn't able to attend an internship as a result. A district court in Cochem fined the male teacher €2,700 ($3,160) for causing bodily harm. The female teacher was fined €2,500 ($2,900) for both assisting and causing bodily harm to the student. The decision was made last Thursday, a court spokesperson said, adding that the judgement is not yet final, as a timeline for appealing the decision has not yet passed. All about the birds and the bees... As sweet as honey They are the pollination super stars...