"Automated payment processes protect employees and customers from germs" - FreshPlaza.com
Monday, April 6, 2020Use of the installed machines in the catering trade
Last November, PerfectMoney already had a stand at the expoSe/expoDirekt trade fair duo in Karlsruhe and was able to make many new contacts there: "The fair gave us a good insight into the needs of direct marketing - and we were able to show visitors the advantages of our machines in terms of process optimization and hygiene in detail". For several weeks now, the response has been growing abruptly: "Many people are now realizing that systems like these are the only way to prevent the transmission of pathogens through cash. The PerfectMoney solutions are suitable for the food retailing industry as well as for farm shops or florists."
Horst Twelkemeier at the expoSe/expoDirekt last November.
"One of our newest customers is the owner of a flower shop. He had to close his shop because of the virus and will soon be able to reopen due to the changeover to self-service. He puts barcode stickers on his bouquets or plants. The customer will then scan the barcode at the PerfectMoney payment machine and then pays with cash or any other means of payment, of course also contactless." Despite the current development, Dieterich believes that we cannot do without cash so quickly - hardly anyone had been prepared for this so far. "So it is particularly important to create creative solutions now, and we are happy to support you with our many years of know-how."
In general there are two options, says Dieterich: "There are under-counter units that are installed in a counter in the store and thus fit perfectly into the overall picture. Our freestanding payment machines are more flexible because they are easy to set up and connect, so they can also be of help to businesses that now need a quick solution to stay afloat."
For more information:Sabine GallasPerfectMoney (Eine Marke der DCSI AG)Talheimer Straße 22-2474223 Flein bei HeilbronnGermanyTel: +49 7131 15588-0E-Mail: info@perfect-money.de Website: www.perfect-money.de
German court rules against hidden brand advertising in Instagram photos - Xinhua | English.news.cn - Xinhua
Tuesday, August 20, 2019Pamela Reif will in future not be allowed to link any brands in her Instagram photos without marking this as advertising, according to a decision by the regional court in Karlsruhe on Thursday.
"The commercial purpose must be identified," the judge said. Reif would have to label any posts with links to the respective brands as advertising, even if she was not paid for the picture. Reif's predominantly young followers were easy to be influenced and therefore needed protection, the court said.
With more than 4 million followers, 22-year-old Pamela Reif from Karlsruhe is a major German influencer on social media. Reif's Instagram posts, which were the subject of the dispute, consisted of a photograph of Reif with an accompanying text.
If clicked on, so-called tags appeared in the photo which contained the brand of the clothing or accessories Reif was wearing. Clicking on these links would take the person to the Instagram account of the respective brand manufacturer.
At the start of the trial in January, the German influencer had rejected the accusation of hidden advertising. From her point of view, it was only advertising if she was paid for wearing and presenting the clothes.
The presiding judge at the time had c...http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-03/22/c_137913790.htm
'Flower Power': Photovoltaic cells replicate rose petals: Scientists increase the efficiency of solar cells by replicating the structure of petals - Science Daily
Tuesday, August 20, 2019With a surface resembling that of plants, solar cells improve light-harvesting and thus generate more power. Scientists of KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) reproduced the epidermal cells of rose petals that have particularly good antireflection properties and integrated the transparent replicas into an organic solar cell. This resulted in a relative efficiency gain of twelve percent. An article on this subject has been published recently in the Advanced Optical Materials journal.
Photovoltaics works in a similar way as the photosynthesis of plants. Light energy is absorbed and converted into a different form of energy. In this process, it is important to use a possibly large portion of the sun's light spectrum and to trap the light from various incidence angles as the angle changes with the sun's position. Plants have this capability as a result of a long evolution process -- reason enough for photovoltaics researchers to look closely at nature when developing solar cells with a broad absorption spectrum and a high incidence angle tolerance.
Scientists at the KIT and the ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and...https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160624110028.htm
Hornet attack leaves 18 injured during German wine festival - DW (English)
Tuesday, April 23, 2019Emergency services were called to the town of Weingarten, near Karlsruhe, on Sunday after festivalgoers were attacked by a vicious swarm of hornets. Eighteen people were injured, 13 of whom required medical treatment, authorities said. No children were hurt in the incident and none of the injuries are thought to be life-threatening. Rescuers were called in to deal with the panicked crowd Two rapid response teams were called to the area to help the panicked crowd. Among the rescue forces was a hornet specialist, who was called in to ensure the hornet nest was properly moved. The entire festival area remained closed off to the public by Sunday evening. Hornets are a protected species in Germany and their nests may only be moved with official approval. Hornet attacks can be particularly dangerous for individuals suffering from allergic reactions, in which case a sting might lead to circulatory arrest. It is not the first time a swarm of hornets made headlines in Germany this summer. A few weeks ago, groups of pensioners were attacked during a hiking trip. Eight people were hurt a...https://www.dw.com/en/hornet-attack-leaves-18-injured-during-german-wine-festival/a-45328791
The Pesticide Industry's Playbook for Poisoning the Earth - The Intercept
Sunday, January 26, 2020The study produced results that echoed what the Americans had found.
Drifting clouds of neonicotinoid dust from planting operations caused a series of massive bee die-offs in northern Italy and the Baden-Württemberg region of Germany. Studies have shown neonicotinoids impaired bees’ ability to navigate and forage for food, weakened bee colonies, and made them prone to infestation by parasitic mites.
In 2013, the European Union called for a temporary suspension of the most commonly used neonicotinoid-based products on flowering plants, citing the danger posed to bees — an effort that resulted in a permanent ban in 2018.
In the U.S., however, industry dug in, seeking not only to discredit the research but to cast pesticide companies as a solution to the problem. Lobbying documents and emails, many of which were obtained through open records requests, show a sophisticated effort over the last decade by the pesticide industry to obstruct any effort to restrict the use of neonicotinoids. Bayer and Syngenta, the largest manufacturers of neonics, and Monsanto, one of the leading producers of seeds pretreated with neonics, cultivated ties with prominent academics, including vanEngelsdorp, and other scientists who had once called for a greater focus on the threat posed by pesticides.
Syngenta AG’s headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, on Feb. 4, 2015.
Photo: Philipp Schmidli/Bloomberg via Getty ImagesThe companies also sought influence with beekeepers and regulators, and went to great lengths to shape public opinion. Pesticide firms launched new coalitions and seeded foundations with cash to focus on nonpesticide factors in pollinator decline.
“Position the industry as an active promoter of bee health, and advance best management practices which emphasize bee safety,” noted an internal planning memo from CropLife America, the lobby group for the largest pesticide companies in America, including Bayer and Syngenta. The ultimate goal of the bee health project, the document noted, was to ensure that member companies maintained market access for neonic products and other systemic pesticides.The planning memo, helmed in part by Syngenta regulatory official John Abbott, charts a variety of strategies for advancing the pesticide industry’s interests, such as, “Challenge EPA on the size and breadth of the pollinator testing program.” CropLife America officials were also tapped to “proactively shape the conversation in the new media realm with respect to pollinators” and “minimize negative association of crop protection products with effects on pollinators.” The document, dated June 2014, calls for “outreach to university researchers who could be independent validators.”
The pesticide companies have used a variety of strategies to shift the public discourse.
“America’s Heartland,” a PBS series shown on affiliates throughout the country and underwritten by CropLife America, portrayed the pollinator declines as a mystery. Onea href="https:/...https://theintercept.com/2020/01/18/bees-insecticides-pesticides-neonicotinoids-bayer-monsanto-syngenta/
The perfect destination foHere is why Germany is the perfect destination for your next holidayr your holiday! Discover nature in Germany - Emirates Woman
Sunday, January 26, 2020Black Forest National Park, Baden-Württemberg, South GermanyPerfect for cleansing your lungs. The remarkable feature of this national park is that some areas have been able to develop for more than 100 years without human intervention. This means that all the animals and plants that are found here live in authentic, natural surroundings.You can use Deutsche Bahn trains all over Germany, where it uses 100% green energy. In addition, you can take the InterCity Express for a unique experience, as it is a high-speed train that connects all major cities in Germany with speeds of up to 300 km / hour, and this is one of the fastest ways to reach between Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne!Check out their Instagram: GermanyTourismAr, and Facebook: Germany Tourism Arabia– For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene straight to your newsfeed, follow us on Facebook Media: Supplied...https://emirateswoman.com/germany/
Germany's second-highest traffic bridge opens - DW (English)
Sunday, January 26, 2020Mosel River in western Germany. Within Germany, the new bridge in the Rhineland-Palatinate is second only to the 185-meter-high Kochertal bridge in the southern state of Baden-Württemberg. Read more: World's longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens in Germany's Harz region Authorities expect about 25,000 vehicles a day to cross the bridge that now provides a direct link between the regions of Eifel and Hunsrück. Several hundred people gathered for the bridge's opening on Thursday. Over the weekend, thousands of pedestrians crossed the bridge by foot as part of the opening festivities. "Today is a good day for the Rhineland-Palatinate," said State Premier Malu Dreyer. She added that she was convinced "that the bridge will help advance our economically strong state even further and will strengthen ties between the people in Eifel and Hunsrück." Europe's largest construction project The controversial building project kicked off eight years ago. Some critics argued that the massive bridge would destroy the area's idyllic vineyard landscape, while environmentalists argued it would pollute the ground water. Others spoke out against the cost. The building of the bridge was part of a greater road project that included the construction of an additional 25 kilometers (16 miles) of federal highway. The total project is estimated to havecost €483 million ($535 million), with €175 million dedicated to the bridge alone. Read more: Everything you need to know about the German ...https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-second-highest-traffic-bridge-opens/a-51355455
'Flower Power': Photovoltaic cells replicate rose petals: Scientists increase the efficiency of solar cells by replicating the structure of petals - Science Daily
Tuesday, August 20, 2019Scientists at the KIT and the ZSW (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg) now suggest in their article published in the Advanced Optical Materials journal to replicate the outermost tissue of the petals of higher plants, the so-called epidermis, in a transparent layer and integrate that layer into the front of solar cells in order to increase their efficiency.
First, the researchers at the Light Technology Institute (LTI), the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT), the Institute of Applied Physics (APH), and the Zoological Institute (ZOO) of KIT as well as their colleagues from the ZSW investigated the optical properties, and above all, the antireflection effect of the epidermal cells of different plant species. These properties are particularly pronounced in rose petals where they provide stronger color contrasts and thus increase the chance of pollination. As the scientists found out under the electron microscope, the epidermis of rose petals consists of a disorganized arrangement of densely packed microstructures, with additional ribs formed by randomly positioned nanostructures.
In order to exactly replicate the structure of these epidermal cells over a larger area, the scientists transferred it to a mold made of polydimethylsiloxane, a silicon-based polymer, pressed the resulting negative structure into optical glue which was finally left to cure under UV light. "This easy and cost-effective method creates microstructures of a depth and density that are hardly achievable with artificial techniques," says Dr. Guillaume Gomard, Group Leader "Nanopothonics" at KIT's LTI.
The scientists then integrated the transparent replica of the rose petal epidermis into an organic solar cell. This resulted in power conversion efficiency gains of twelve percent for vertically incident light. At very shallow incidence angles, the efficiency gain was even higher. The scientists attribute this gain primarily to the excellent omnidirectional antireflection properties of the re...https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160624110028.htm