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  • Blütenecke

    Rathausstr. 21
    65604 Elz (Westerw)
    Tel: 06431 511 45

Germany’s HANF FARM relocates to historically organic lands - HempToday

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Share this:Leading European agri-business and food producer HANF FARM GmbH has relocated its headquarters and is now operating out of a 25,000 sq. m complex near the village of Melz in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in northeast Germany. The company was previously headquartered in Berlin.“We now find ourselves in a situation in which demand, production capacity and acreage are all positively dependent on each other,” CEO Rafael Dulon said of the move. “We’re much better set up now to play our part in the broader sustainable regional economy,” Dulon said of the company’s philosophy.Dulon said the area around Melz has a high concentration of biologically certified organic agricultural land. “Many of these areas have a long history in organic farming and are therefore particularly suitable for hemp cultivation,” he said.Space for greenhousesThe relocation gives HANF FARM 3,000 square meters of production halls at the highest technical and hygienic levels, and provides better production and storage conditions, Dulon said. More importantly, the overall complex offers plenty of space for production in on-site greenhouses, he noted.“We put a lot of energy into t...https://hemptoday.net/hanf-farm-relocates/

Schlager, Krimis und reichlich Gassenhauser

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ulrich Möllmann, Julia Plank und Annette Jeschonowski vom Hafenrevuetheater haben für die sechste Spielzeit ein abwechslungsreiches Programm zusammengestellt. (Roland Scheitz) Überseestadt. Die kommenden Monate im Hafenrevuetheater versprechen wieder viele Gassenhauer, reichlich Hafenmilieu und originellen Seemannströdel. So könnte man die Pläne für die kommende Spielzeit zusammenfassen, die Theaterleiter Ulrich Möllmann vor wenigen Tagen vorstellte. Auf dem neuen Spielplan stehen natürlich auch wieder die im Laufe der Jahre auf drei Teile angewachsenen Hafenrevuen um Labskaus-Gerda, Hannes und Konsorten: Namentlich die Eigenproduktionen „Liebe, Last und Fracht, „Sehnsucht nach dem Hafen und „Moderne Hafenzeiten, die chronologisch die graue Nachkriegszeit und die quietschbunte Flower-Power Epoche 1960-er und –70-er Jahre umspannen, und dabei Zeitgeschichte und populäre Musik verbinden. Ein Wiedersehen gibt es demnächst auch mit dem schusseligen Hauptkommissar Jens Kahlsen: Er wird sich erstmals am Sonnabend, 29. Se...https://www.weser-kurier.de/bremen/stadtteile/stadtteile-bremen-west_artikel,-schlager-krimis-und-reichlich-gassenhauser-_arid,1765935.html

GZSZ: Mike Singer beim Mauer Flower Festival

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Jährige.Was geht denn da? Turtelt Mike Singer mit musical.ly-Lena? Mike Singer durfte sich auch als Fotograf versuchen und knipste Anne Menden. Foto: MG RTL D / Christine Melzer Doch auf das Singen will er natürlich nicht verzichten. Er wünscht sich: „Also am Liebsten will ich auf jeden Fall mein ganzes Leben lang Musik machen. Das ist so mein allerallergrößter Traum.So schnell wird aus Mike Singer dann doch kein Mike Actor...Am 18. und 19. Juni ab 19.40 Uhr ist Mike Singer bei GZSZ zu sehen.Schon seit 1992 fast jeden Tag GZSZSeit 1992 läuft „Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten von montags bis freitags zunächst um 19.40 Uhr bei RTL, mittlerweile um 19.35 Uhr. Sie gilt als erfolgreichste deutsche Fernsehserie im Genre „Seifenoper.2017 feiert die Kultserie bereits ihren 25. Geburtstag. Am 18. Mai 2016 wurde die 6000. Folge ausgestrahlt. Erst gab es keinen HandlungsortNachdem die Serie in den ersten Jahren in einer nicht namentlich genannten Großstadt spielte, wie auch die nicht real existierenden und mit ET beginnenden Autokennzeichen signalisierten, wird an Berlin als Handlungsort mittlerweile sehr oft erinnert.Das Panorama der Stadt wird mehrfach pro Folge eingeblendet, bekannte Stadtteile wie Prenzlauer Berg oder Tiergarten werden häufig erwähnt.Veranstaltungen, die tatsächlich in Berlin stattfinden und für diese Stadt kennzeichnend sind, beispielsweise der CSD, werden zur entsprechenden Zeit häufig in die Handlungsstränge eingebunden.Rekordeinschaltquote von 6,73 Millionen ZuschauernDie Folgen werden immer mit sieben Wochen Vorlauf produziert. Am 22. Juni 1998 wurde mit der 1500. Folge, in der der damalige Ministerpräsident Niedersachsens und spätere Bundeskanzler, Gerhard Schröder (SPD), mitwirkte, die Rekordeinschaltquote von 6,73 Millionen Zuschauern erreicht.Wolfgang Bahro (alias Jo Gerner) ist seit 1992 Teil von GZSZ. Damit ist er derjenige, der am längsten von allen Schauspielern dabei ist – und bisher ist auch noch kein Ende in Sicht.(sch) ...http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=BB4F5DE417734CA7AE3A6F452123D2ED&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.berliner-kurier.de%2fnews%2fpromi--show%2fteenie-star-gesichtet-was-macht-er-am-set-von-gzsz--30637584&c=9194556442344614859&mkt=de-de

Schüler erhalten Inklusionspreis

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Ludwigsburg statt. Die Schüler erhielten den Preis für ihr Projekt „Flower-Power-Mode. Sie haben T-Shirts in Batik-Technik gestaltet und passende Stirnbänder mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Stick-Stichen bestickt.Die Initiative Handarbeit schreibt jährlich in Kooperation mit dem Fachverband Textil einen Schülerwettbewerb in einem der 16 Bundesländer aus. In diesem Schuljahr wurde der Schülerwettbewerb in Baden-Württemberg, unterstützt vom Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, mit dem Thema „Mode gestern-heute-morgen durchgeführt. Bei dem Wettbewerb sollten die Schüler dazu angeregt werden, mit textilen Materialien gestalterisch tätig zu werden und Freude am kreativen Tun zu finden. Bewertet wurden die Originalität der Ideen, die Auswahl der Materialien und Farben sowie die technischen Fähig- und Fertigkeiten. Darüber hinaus soll bei dem Wettbewerb das gemeinsame Tun, die Freude an der Beschäftigung mit textilen Materialien und die Wertschätzung alter Kulturtechniken sowie deren Transformation ins Jetzt und das Entwickeln von Visionen für zukünftige Modeideen gefördert werden.In Ludwigsburg wurden die Gewinnerarbeiten und die während des Workshops entstandenen Werke in einer Ausstellung in der Musikhalle präsentiert. Die erfolgreichen Schüler sowie ihre Lehrer erhielten wertvolle Geld- und Sachpreise.Zu den Gewi...https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/landkreis-sigmaringen/krauchenwies_artikel,-sch%C3%BCler-erhalten-inklusionspreis-_arid,10877028.html

Shirley A. Grover – Cedar Rapids,formerly Independence – Mix 94.7 KMCH - kmch.com

Sunday, January 26, 2020

In her quiet time, she enjoyed reading and flowers. Mrs. Grover is survived by 2 sons, Mike (Vicky) Grover of Cedar Rapids and Mark (Jason Hesse) Grover of Coralville, Iowa, 2 daughters, Patricia (Keith) Grover of Mountain View, California, and Beth (Danny) Hinde of Cedar Rapids, 2 grandchildren, Travis Grover and Josh Hinde, and 4 great granddaughters. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents and 1 brother, Paul. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, January 24, 2020, at St. John’s Catholic Church in Independence. Rev. David Beckman will be the Celebrant. Burial will be in Rowley Cemetery in Rowley. Friends may call for visitation from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23rd , at the White Funeral Home in Independence. On line condolences may be left at www.White-MtHope.com. ...https://kmch.com/blog/2020/01/21/shirley-a-grover-cedar-rapidsformerly-independence/

MALHEUR MOVERS: Vale native builds business to make community blossom - malheurenterprise.com

Sunday, January 26, 2020

El Campo was once a routine happening in Vale but it declined over time and eventually disappeared. Rodriguez said she remembered going to the carnival as a child and linked up with Todd and Kale Hesse to revive the event.“It was time for our generation to pick it up,” said Rodriguez.Rodriguez said creating small coalitions within the community is crucial. Rodriguez said while she is involved with the community, she is just one of a large number of people who strive to make Vale a great place to live.“These community events only go on because of volunteers,” said Rodriguez. “We are surrounded by a lot of people in this community who like to give.”Rodriguez said her civic involvement can trace its roots to her youth, where she watched members of the community step up and help on a regular basis. Plus, she said, Vale has been good to her.“The community has been amazing to me,” said Rodriguez.Rodriguez and her husband, TJ, both aim to ensure their children, Thomas, Zettie, Tristan and Trent, learn how to give back to their town.Good role models, said Rodriguez, are important. “My parents, they were always giving,” said Rodriguez.The best part of her life and her business, said Rodriguez, is the people.“I get to meet some amazing people and I can go home and be blessed,” said Rodriguez.She said she also likes the variety her shop generates.“Every day there is something very interesting, every day is different,” she said.Letting people down on their orders is her worst fear, said Rodriguez.“That’s hard for me,” she said.Rodriguez said she likes her role as a local businesswoman and a volunteer.“I feel I have to do my job and if that (volunteering) is my job in this world while I am here, I will take that job,” said Rodriguez.News tip? Contact reporter Pat Caldwell: pat@malheurenterprise.com or 541-473-3377. For the latest news, follow the Enterprise on Facebook and Twitter.SUBSCRIBE TO HELP PRODUCE VITAL REPORTING -- For $5 a month, you get breaking news alerts, emailed newsletters and around-the-clock access to our stories. We depend on subscribers to pay for in-depth, accurate news produced by a professional and highly trained staff. Help us grow and get better with your subscription. Sign up HERE. ...https://www.malheurenterprise.com/posts/6546/malheur-movers-vale-native-builds-business-to-make-community-blossom

The perfect destination foHere is why Germany is the perfect destination for your next holidayr your holiday! Discover nature in Germany - Emirates Woman

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Alps are characterised by green trees and extensive forests.Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: at the corner of the three German states, Bavaria, Hesse and ThuringiaThe Rhôn hills are located in the heart of Germany and offer a wide range of beautiful views! And if you are a fan of athletic activities, you can try gliding, water sports, and indulge in a spot of star gazing.Jasmund National Park Mecklenburg-Western Pomeraniait takes you right along the cliffs and features enough natural treasures for several holidays. White chalk cliffs, lush beech forests and the shimmering blue of the sea. You’ll catch sight of a rare white-tailed eagle circling in the skies, while far below a thousand different species of beetle scuttle through the undergrowth in this landscape of contrasts.Black Forest National Park, Baden-Württemberg, South GermanyPerfect for cleansing your lungs. The remarkable feature of this national park is that some areas have been able to develop for more than 100 years without human intervention. This means that all the animals and plants that are found here live in authentic, natural surroundings.You can use Deutsche Bahn trains all over Germany, where it uses 100% green energy. In addition, you can take the InterCity Express for a unique experience, as it is a high-speed train that connects all major cities in Germany with speeds of up to 300 km / hour, and this is one of the fastest ways to reach between Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne!Check out their Instagram: GermanyTourismAr, and Facebook: Germany Tourism Arabia– For more about Dubai’s lifestyle, news and fashion scene straight to your newsfeed, follow us on Facebook Media: Supplied...https://emirateswoman.com/germany/

Berlin moves to greatly reduce ‘solidarity tax’ for eastern Germany - Euronews

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We'd better invest this money in education and climate protection."Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, parliamentary party and state leader of the SPD in Hesse, also supports Scholz.What is the Soli tax?The solidarity surcharge was introduced in 1991, to help reconstruction of the east following the reunification of Germany in the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall.The tax was originally supposed to be in place only for a limited time but became permanent in 1995.Initially, the solidarity rate was 7.5%, but since 1995 it has been 5.5%. In addition, the surcharge has been unlimited since 1995.Contrary to some assumptions, taxpayers in the west and east have to pay the tax.According to the Ministry of Finance, in 2018 the German state received €18.9 billion as a result.Criticism of the billAccording to the Ministry of Finance, single people with an annual gross income of up to €73,874 would not have to pay anything. From €109,451 gross annual wages, the full supplement would have to be paid.Accordingly, a family with two children and an annual income of €221,375 or more would have to pay the full solidarity surcharge. Families earning less than €151,990 gross would be exempt from the solidarity surcharge.If the draft is adopted, German citizens would then have to pay around €10 billion less in tax.Criticism comes from parties outside the coalition. Katja Kipping of Die Linke said that the CDU/CSU and SPD were making politics for the rich with their proposal.FDP General Secretary Linda Teuteberg wrote on Twitter: "The Soli is unconstitutional for everyone from 2020. So it must also be abolished for everyone. Our constitution also applies to those who in reality want tax increases, and there you have to choose the normal procedures and not the back door."Many citizens on social networks are also outraged by the fact that they still have to pay the solidarity surcharge. "The solidarity surcharge was introduced in 1991 for a limited period of one year. I believed that," wrote a user on Twitter.https://www.euronews.com/2019/08/13/berlin-moves-to-greatly-reduce-solidarity-tax-for-eastern-germany